Have your spa facial at home

Have your spa facial at home

These are strange times, and there is a lot of uncertainty about how our lives will change, and how we will all work over the coming weeks and months. It’s easy to forget things like self-care, especially when so much is in turmoil. However, focussing on small things...
The Stress/Pain Connection

The Stress/Pain Connection

Stress seems to be almost unavoidable in our busy lives. It’s easy for people to suggest that you might feel better if you’re less stressed, but if you’re already stressed, that’s just going to stress you out even more! Adding to the problem, stress can cause a lot of...
Instant Quiet for a Busy Mind at Christmas

Instant Quiet for a Busy Mind at Christmas

At this time of year, life goes into overdrive for most of us, as we get caught up with buying presents, planning parties, and meeting up with relatives and loved ones. This results in a thousand things going through our minds at any one time, and it can be difficult...
What Is Dermaplaning and Is It for Me?

What Is Dermaplaning and Is It for Me?

Dermaplaning is one of the most exciting new developments in skin care in the last few years – it’s a super-effective exfoliation treatment that promises to smooth and rejuvenate your skin, giving your complexion a new lease of life.What Is Dermaplaning?Dermaplaning...

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